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Falkirk For Mums Directory
We are based in central Scotland and cover all aspects of dance including-Ballet; Tap; Hip Hop; Stage Dance; Jazz; Technique, Flexibility and Tricks; Street Dance; Our ever popular Broadway Baby Classes.
We pride ourselves on our Musical Theatre classes-Inclusive of stage dance, jazz, vocal technique and acting.
Tel: 07841403177 for more information
my name is Charlene Tait.
Mobile is 07447582187
Can be found on Facebook at: Tait's cleaningsolutions
Creche Matters! offer a variety of childcare options to suit your needs. If you are looking for quality, affordable childcare we can offer you anything from a few hours to full days.
Call us for more information on 01324 639896
email: creche.matters@btconnect.com
Website: www.creche.matters.co.uk |