Caz's Kidz Childminding
01324 715539

Linsey Philliban
This page brings you more information and contact details of local childminders.
Local Childminders
41 Fullerton Drive
FK2 0XY Falkirk
Caz's Kidz childminding provides childcare for people from the Falkirk area.
My name is Jacqueline and I own and run Jacqueline's Childminding Service. I'm a fully qualified childminder based in Denny, Strilingshire and I offer child minding to parents in the local areas of Denny, Dunipace, Head of Muir and Bonnybridge and further a field as required (e.g. Stirling, Falkirk).
For more information click on the image to be taken to my website which is www.jacquelineschildmindingservice.com
contact: 0777 2900405 or email jacquelinemcgurk@live.co.uk
Contact: 01324282728 07519904795
pick up and drop off service to and from local schools, from birth to twelve years.
Kay connar
My name is Linsey, I'm 32 and a mum of one. I'm a registered childminder based in Larbert and have vacancies in my service from July. I am a member of the SCMA and I have completed a paediatric first aid training course. I can care for children from birth - 16 and have newborn experience.
Service available Monday - Friday 7.30am - 7.30pm. For more information please contact me.
Tel 07814502955 or email linseywotherspoon@hotmail.co.uk