Laurieston Playgroup
Busy Bees Playgroup
Falkirk for Mums provide details for local Parent & Toddler Groups. We are always looking to add new ones to our page. If you can provide us with details please email ria@falkirkformums.co.uk.
Falkirk Parent & Toddler Groups
Busy Bees Playgroup is situated within the grounds of Moray Primary School. Providing care for children aged 2 years 6 months to 5 years. Fully qualified staff, fun activities indoor/outdoor play. £5 per session
Mon - Thu: 09:15 - 11:30, 12:45 - 15:00
Fri: 09:15 - 11:30
Moray Place , fk39dl Grangemouth
01324 666718
Laurieston Playgroup runs from Tuesday - Friday 9.15am - 11.15am
The fee is 3.50 per session + this includes snack, fresh fruit + milk or water is provided.
The kids never just play with toys all the time im a huge fan of art + crafts + even though they are so young they just love to get messy,
Kids are welcome from their 2nd Birthday.
phone number is 07757109518
Toddletots, a group run by parent for parents. Toddletots is a group that meet every Monday afternoon 1-2.45pm and Friday 9.30-11.30am at the Dawson centre in Bainsford. We are a group of mostly mums, grandparents and small but dedicated group of dads that has been going for a few years now and are always looking for new small people to meet and there parents of course.
Ask for Angela, Margaret or Carrie - 01324 501470
Totally Tots Toddlers

Dawson community centre, Davids Loan, Bainsford, FK2 7RG