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Laurieston Playgroup

Busy Bees Playgroup

Falkirk for Mums provide details for local Parent & Toddler Groups. We are always looking to add new ones to our page. If you can provide us with details please email ​

Falkirk Parent & Toddler Groups

 Busy Bees Playgroup is situated within the grounds of Moray Primary School. Providing care for children aged 2 years 6 months to 5 years. Fully qualified staff, fun activities indoor/outdoor play. £5 per session

Mon - Thu: 09:15 - 11:30, 12:45 - 15:00

Fri: 09:15 - 11:30

Moray Place , fk39dl Grangemouth

01324 666718


Laurieston Playgroup runs from Tuesday - Friday 9.15am - 11.15am

The fee is 3.50 per session + this includes snack, fresh fruit + milk or water is provided.

The kids never just play with toys all the time im a huge fan of art + crafts + even though they are so young they just love to get messy,

Kids are welcome from their 2nd Birthday.

phone number is 07757109518

Totally Tots toddlers opening Nov 26th at Bonnybridge Social Club 9.30-11.30 on every Mon and Thu. Come join the fun!

Toddletots, a group run by parent for parents. Toddletots is a group that meet every Monday afternoon 1-2.45pm and Friday 9.30-11.30am at the Dawson centre in Bainsford. We are a group of mostly mums, grandparents and small but dedicated group of dads that has been going for a few years now and are always looking for new small people to meet and there parents of course.

Ask for Angela, Margaret or Carrie - 01324 501470

Totally Tots Toddlers

Dawson community centre, Davids Loan, Bainsford, FK2 7RG

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